Marriage Certificate Attestation in UAE

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Marriage Certificate Attestation In UAE

The process of certifying and acknowledging a marriage certificate issued in one country by the government of another is known as marriage certificate attestation. This is often required for a number of reasons, such as fulfilling legal requirements, sponsoring a spouse, or applying for a visa. For anyone wishing to move to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for employment, residency, or other reasons, attestation of their marriage certificate is a necessary first step.

The first step in navigating the complexities of international recognition and compliance with UAE legislation is attesting to the marriage certificate, regardless of the purpose—obtaining a visa, managing legal duties, or establishing familial ties in the UAE, for example.

It’s also worth noting that attestation criteria can vary depending on the type of document and the reason for which it’s being certified. As a result, it is critical to adhere to the instructions issued by the competent authorities in both the home country and the UAE.

Documents Needed for Marriage Certificate Attestation in UAE

For marriage certificate attestation in UAE , Below shown are the major documents required for  attestation process in UAE

Original Marriage Certificate: It is necessary to have the original marriage license issued by the appropriate national government of the nation where the marriage was consummated. A notary public in your area should notarize this certificate.

Passports: Copies of both spouse’s passports are usually necessary. Ensure that the copies are legible and include all important pages.

Photos in passport size: Both spouse’s passport-sized pictures may be required for the attestation process

Form of Application: For the attestation process, some embassies or consulates may request you to fill out an application form.

Why should you attest your Marriage Certificate in UAE?

The procedure of attestation entails checking the legitimacy of your birth certificate and ensuring that it is recognized by UAE authorities. Here are some of the reasons why you might need to have your birth certificate attested in the UAE

Visa Application: If you intend to work and live in the United Arab Emirates, particularly if you have family or friends who will sponsor you, apply for a resident visa here.

Provide an attested birth certificate as part of the visa application procedure if you plan to live and work in the United Arab Emirates, especially if you are sponsored by a family member or company.

Application for a Dependent Visa: When filing for a dependent visa for family members (spouse, children, etc.), the dependents’ birth certificates may be required to show the family link.

Enrollment in School: Schools in the UAE frequently require certified birth certificates as part of the admission procedure when enrolling children.

Documentation for legal purposes: Attested birth certificates may be required for a variety of legal purposes, such as opening a bank account, engaging into contracts, or completing legal transactions.

Legal Issues and Inheritance: An certified birth certificate may be required in cases of inheritance or other legal concerns to establish ties and legal entitlements.

Medical Assistance: Attested birth certificates may be necessary in some situations, particularly for infants or young children, for medical treatments or procedures.

Transactions with the Government: Various government procedures, such as obtaining a driver’s license or other official documents, may necessitate the presentation of an attested birth certificate.

Procedure For Marriage Certificate Attestation In UAE

The process of attestation of any certificate involves the validation of documents at multiple levels. This begins at regional level attestation done by notaries. Then it proceeds through state level attestation, MEA attestation, and Embassy attestation, and finally concludes with MOFA attestation.

The first step is to have the original marriage certificate notarized by a notary public in the country of birth. This stage is critical for determining the legitimacy of the document.

The notarized marriage certificate needs to be verified by the appropriate authorities in your country of origin. It is often necessary to obtain an authenticity stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or a comparable government agency.

Getting a MEA attestation is the next step after the state level attestation. MEA attestation is essential to verify your document, since MEA stands for the Ministry of external Affairs, which is in charge of managing a nation’s exterior affairs. MEA provides Apostille attestation and Normal attestation, the two methods of authentication.

Once the marriage certificate has been verified by local authorities, it needs to be validated by the UAE Embassy or Consulate in your country. The document is verified at this stage for usage in the United Arab Emirates.

The marriage certificate needs to be authenticated by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs after being certified by the UAE Embassy. This completes the attestation process and is often completed in the United Arab Emirates.

Time Required for Marriage Certificate Attestation in UAE

Overall, the attestation of a marriage certificate can take several weeks. It is critical to plan ahead of time and begin the attestation process as soon as possible, especially if you have specified deadlines, such as visa application deadlines or scheduled travel to the UAE.

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