All About Certificate Attestation Services

All About Certificate Attestation Services

Regardless of what degree you hold, the kind of educational qualification you possess, you’re previous job experiences, your legal status all you’re documents are only considered of any value unless and until they undergo all the required forms of attestation.

We ‘ll give a basic list of documents that would need to be in order for you to go to the next stage when looking for a job in any gulf country.

Why Do I Need To Attest My Certificates / Documents

The certificate attestation process is done to help validate the authenticity of the document to the required level.AttestationSo, another country or organization can acknowledge the verified documents as genuine and let you proceed with your legal status, education or even take up any kind of employment or job in that country.

First of all, when it comes to certificate attestation services, certificates can be broadly classified into broadly 3 categories –

Educational certificates
Non-educational certificates
Commercial certificates

Educational Certificate Attestation

Educational certificates are verified from the concerned state HRD (Human Resource Development ) and GAD(General Administration Department)

Educational certificates could consist of Degree certificates, Mark Sheets, Engineering certificates, Diploma certificate, Private Diploma.

Degree Certificate Attestation

Upon getting a degree certificate attestation, it confirms that the specified degree certificate has been issued by the University while also ensuring that the seal and signature on that specific degree are genuine.

Mark Sheet Attestation

An individual’s Mark sheets are requested by certain professional institutions for getting jobs for freshers & maybe even asked for granting admission procedures in any kind of educational institutions. Also, a lot of fraudulence is happening around in the case of mark-sheets. In order to avoid this situation and to secure the whole process,mark sheet attestation in these countries is now becoming mandatory

Engineering Certificate Attestation

These certificates will have to be attested before submitting it for any engineering related job. Engineering Certificate Attestation can be done to certificates of all the major universities.Degree certificate attestationHowever, the original certificate will have to be presented along with the copy of the required certificates to the designated officials to get attested. Attestation also ensures better job opportunities.

Diploma Certificate Attestation

Most people who move to gulf countries with a diploma qualification face attestation issues with their diploma certificate. Almost all jobs in the gulf countries request for educational certificates and upon providing an unattested diploma certificate could lead to rejection of the job offer. This is where it becomes mandatory for an individual to get all the diploma certificates attested.

Non – Educational Certificate Attestation

These certificates are not verified from the HRD & the GAD.

Non-Educational certificates could consist of the following – Experience certificate, Birth certificate, Transfer certificate, Marriage certificate, Death certificate, Divorce certificates, Translation certificate.

Birth Certificate Attestation

Birth certificates need to be attested for employment purposes. A birth certificate attestation is an act of witnessing a birth certificate by authorized departments/authorities with their official seal and signature. It also confirms that the specified birth certificate has been issued by a particular department & that the seal & the signature featured on that particular birth certificate is authentic. It is required for getting a visa from Gulf countries like and is also needed for applying for a family visa.

Marriage Certificate Attestation

In some jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is an official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony.marriage certificate attestationWhile in others, a marriage license serves as a dual purpose of granting permission for a marriage to take place and then recording the fact that it has been done so. A Marriage certificate attestation is also required for getting a family visa int the Middle Eastern Countries like UAE, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Bahrain.

Divorce Certificate Attestation

If a divorced person plans on moving to another country for educational/ employment reasons, the individual will have to prove their marital status. In order to go further, alist of valid divorce papers will have to be produced before the authorities.Divorce certificate attestationAlso, the attestation of the divorce papers should be done prior to submission so that its authenticity can be verified. Attesting divorce papers can prevent any legal difficulties arising due to marital issues.

Death Certificate Attestation

The attestation of death certificates is the act of witnessing a death certificate that has been carried out by authorized persons/ departments along with their official seal and signature. The death certificate attestation also confirms that the specified death certificate has been issued by the specific department. It also proves that the seal and signature on that particular death certificate are authentic.

Commercial Certificate Attestation

These can include company documents,

Company Documents Attestation

For an individual looking to set up or extend a company in a gulf country, the proper documentation will be required. And it is the sole responsibility of the individual to submit all the attested company documents and certificates in order to receive the sanction to begin or extend a company in these regions.

In accordance with the rules of these places, any kind of problematic complexity in the genuinity of these documents can lead to termination of the government sanction and can even become a criminal case for which the individual may be liable to pay a penalty or fine.

If you’re looking for the best attestation services to help you with all your important documents attestation procedure try checking out the services of New India Attestation,

Certificate Attestation

They offer fast and reliable services along with the following benefits –

Payment after Delivery services: There won’t any kind of payment/ fee charged prior to the attestation service. You only need to make the payment once you safely receive your attested certificates.

Document Status Tracking: Their services will provide you with a tracking ID where you can monitor your document’s status.

Free Collection & Delivery: New India Attestation provides a free collection service as well as delivery services.

Insured Documents: All your important documents will be provided with insurance to ensure the safety of your documents.

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