Nursing Certificate Attestation In U.A.E

Nursing Certificate Attestation In U.A.E

Several years ago general delusion existed that nursing is a profession that revolves around bedpans and sponge baths. But today people are more aware of the role of nurses in the medical community. Nurses are with patients throughout the continuum of life and they are the most trusted healthcare professionals. Heart and soul of the healthcare system are nurses and it is an honorable profession. Generally, nurses serve as critical thinkers, innovators, caregivers, advocates, and teachers in every patient’s life. They also provide invaluable emotional support and realizes the ramification and intricacies of illness. Many nurses circles through 24 hours shift on their feet. They work throughout weekends and nights giving up holidays with their families.

What about the nursing career in U.A.E?

Health care professionals are in great demand in the Middle East and they are provided with wonderful opportunities to work and travel in this amazing region. The United Arab Emirates provides nurses the probability to work in a modern location, thriving, exciting and a great lifestyle.

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the two destinations in the United Arab Emirates that nurses are looking for. At present Dubai Emirate or Abu Dhabi Emirate is separately managing salaries and licensing arrangements for nurses working in Dubai and Abu Dhabi respectively.

With fortunes available on a case by case basis, nurses are generally hired on a contract basis for periods of one or two years. Mainly contracts are usually single status, means you should bear the complete expense and accommodation arrangements of your dependents. Exceptions might be provided for more senior positions.

UAE hospitals are the form of art and aid high level of clinical care. Many specialties like emergency, acute, ICU, surgical and so on requires expert nurses.

What is the need for attestation?

In order to obtain family VISA, employment VISA, medical purposes, labor card processing, visa designation, higher education, and school admission in UAE certificate attestation is mandatory. All documents planned to use in the United Emirates compels legalization not apostille commonly known as attestation as UAE is a non-member of the Hague Convention. All sort of personal, commercial, educational certificates can be attested without your presence.

Today nursing is one of the most much-needed jobs in UAE. Over the past years, the necessity for nurses had grown steadily. Several private and government hospitals in UAE are hiring nurses from Egypt, Philippines, and India etc. The average salary for a registered nurse in UAE is about 95000 AED per year according to the survey reports.

UAE is providing highest salary for nurses as compared to other foreign countries and this is the reason why foreign nurses get attracted to UAE. Attestation is different for all documents.


What are the important documents needed for attestation?

If you are planning to move UAE for a better nurse career, then you should be ready with the following documents for attesting.

  • High school certificate
  • Nursing certificate
  • Experience certificate
  • Nursing license
  • Copy of passport
  • Passport size photos

What is the legal attestation procedure for UAE?

  • You should get Notary verification for your nursing certificate from your home country before it goes through further attestation procedures.
  • Foreign Affairs Attestation for the nursing certificate should be done from your country after verification from the Notary.
  • The Embassy of your country will verify the document attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs to examine the verification done by the concerned authority in your country.
  • After you reach UAE there is a need to get Ministry of Foreign Affairs Attestation in UAE as its final procedure.

In order to avoid fraudulent activities, UAE government requires attestation for all educational documents. New India is a customer-centric company with fast, reliable, and less expensive attestation services while lasting devoted to foremost business standards. We battle to deliver the best and most customer-friendly services.


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